What We Offer For You

Our Key Services

Business Process Review

This entails in-depth review of the current processes, evaluation of the root-cause analysis and data analytics to measure the current business performance. We then work to assess the progress of the interventions and ultimately work with your institution on the improvement process using various improvement models and tools including guidelines from the Lean Six Sigma principles. Throughout the process, we keep in mind the project risks and work to ensure mitigation and minimization of the same.

As we commence the project, we first identify your requirements and then define the roadmap of the expected outcomes. Part of our deliverables entail providing you with a wide spectrum of the business inefficiency and gaps and then recommending processes that maximize the capabilities of your business and the strategic results the business seeks.


Advisory Services

When critical decisions need to be made, and the missing link is the subject matter expert, we come into your organization and walk with you throughout your thought process.

When you need a sounding board on your innovation, business strategy, product development, we form part of the team that works with you to deliver the growth and success of your business.

Product Development

With over 15 years of the team’s experience in product development in the health insurance sector, we continue to develop various solutions with our partners. We pride ourselves in the expertise of designing and supporting the launch of successful products in the healthcare market.

Amidst saturated markets and high concentration on the same target customers, we work with you to find niche solutions and customers to allow a diversity in the market including finding blends of partnerships with complementors to your products. We enjoy creativity and innovation.



We apply our skills, experience, knowledge, processes, and methods in the delivery of your project objectives which move you from a business idea to the results you seek within the parameters and timelines agreed upon.

We also ensure that your budget is kept on course as a key measure of a successful outcome.

We bring to the table resources with the right competencies and skills to ensure the realization of the business goals and objectives.


When developing the roadmap on how to get your objectives delivered – the strategy, we work with you identify how to take advantage of the emerging opportunities and resources, how to address the barriers and resistance and how to optimize and be efficient with the resources you have.

Our approach keeps an eye on the mission which is your reason of existence and help you advance it. We partner with you to ensure the realization of your business successes with a view of the short, medium and long-term goals.



By understanding the key components of the feasibility studies whether on the market, technical, organizational and financial components, we work with you to identify how feasible a project is in the achievement of the business strategic direction.

Before resources can be invested on a project or initiative, businesses require clarity through gathering as much information on the markets, assessing the technical requirements and the financial soundness. We support you to ensure that the decision analysis process minimizes the uncertainties and blind spots. We help you consider your risks and trade-offs to ultimately achieve a sound decision.


While we collect raw data and work with it to draw conclusions about the information, the findings need to draw hidden insights and trends. This is critical to inform strategic decision making. Data must say more than just information.

This service is strongly complemented by our market insight product that draws from various markets locally and internationally to support the trends and insights.



"Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors"
African Proverb

Through growth and challenges, every business identifies the need to build skills that improve competencies and capacity.

We work with your business to build the capacity of managers and other employees in the fulfilment of their highest and full potential.